This course is available all-year-long. The suggested value of this course is $39.00, however, you can pay as much as you can. Please remember that your generous contributions allows us to subsidize our global partners to participate in this type of training.

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Praying with the Lord's Prayer

Learn to pray with the Lord's Prayer and boost your spiritual life!

What you'll get:

  • Outline:

    The outline for this brief course will touch on the following three themes:

    1. Module #1 - "Introduction"
    2. Module #2 - "Jesus' Prayer Model"
    3. Module #3 - "Going Deeper Into the Lord's Prayer"
    4. Module #4 - "Practicing With the Lord's Prayer"

    Course objectives:

    • To develop a deeper understanding of how the Lord’s Prayer can enhance your daily walk with the triune God.
    • To consider more closely the deeper meaning Jesus intended when uttering the words "Pray then in this way..."
    • To explore the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer in the greater context of the Sermon of the Mountain.
    • To follow Jesus as he models a life of prayer and submission to God's kingdom and sovereign will. 

    Welcome and enjoy!

Instructor: Marvin Lorenzana, D.Min.

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